hey, I'm chase 👋

I am currently working as a developer and educator. I also have experience in the startup world - building teams, launching products, and fostering partnerships. I enjoy studying the greats like Charlie Munger, Shane Parrish, and Chamath Palihapitiya. For fun I swim/bike/run with my friends and family. I am on my path and loving it! ↘

Here are some things I am excited about that you think I might appreciate. ↘



A music rights management co. I bootstrapped for 5 years, and in 2016 took on private equity. 2020 I bought it all back. Over 160 records currently.

6.5 Million + streams

University of Texas SA


I get to teach young and inspired individuals how to code. We focus on the MERN stack over the course of an intense 26 week program. It's hard!

21 Graduates


Frontend Developer

Creative Services team member. Building the internal documentation for style guide, marketing strategies, and brand ID / positioning.

333K + views 1/4 to date

Dropbox Killer

Founder / Developer

Dropbox has 2.37% market share a @ $8.21B market cap. .01% of that is just shy of $1M. I'll take it! MVP: Next, Shadcd, Firebase, Clerk

2 + users currently

What are you excited about that I might appreciate? ↘
chase demaster dot tech at gmail dot com